
B.A. Drew University, Madison, NJ, (Class of 2018) Major in History, Minors in Art History, Photography, and Film & Holocaust Studies

Drew University, New York Semester on Contemporary Art, New York, NY, Fall 2017

Selected Exhibitions and Features


The Curated Fridge: Leftovers


Brooklyn Renaissance

Where We From at Brooklyn Art Cave in Williamsburg

Brooklyn Art Cave (BAC) is a dynamic art gallery and community hub for all creatives. It offers a space for artists to connect, showcase their work, and ignite a love for art and culture in visitors. "Don't miss the chance to share your artistic interpretation of “Where We From” whether it's personal stories, cultural heritage, or imaginative tales. Join us for a captivating journey into our diverse narratives and be part of this extraordinary art event." We are excited to welcome 15 artists from outside NYC to showcase alongside 15 local artists, highlighting the power of collaboration within our community. Art truly knows no boundaries. Join us for a 9-day experience where we celebrate art through music, workshops, dance, and much more. Each day offers a different experience, allowing diverse audiences to appreciate your artwork on our walls.

Awita New York Studio Open Call

Pictorial Coherence at Van Der Plas Gallery in New York, New York

Henri Matisse states, “...Expression, for me, does not reside in passions glowing in a human face or manifested by violent movement. The entire arrangement of my picture is expressive: the place occupied by the figures, the empty spaces around them, the proportions, everything has its share. Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the diverse elements at the painter’s command to express his feelings…”

All Art+ “Pictorial Coherence” is the new group exhibition presented by Van Der Plas Gallery that aims to bring out the artist’s true vision, the artist’s true feelings of what moves beyond understanding to move the viewer through their own emotions to a place where the borders of what is undiscovered begins to be revealed.

Shadow and Light: Black Box Gallery in Portland, Oregon

Brooklyn Film Camera’s Open Call Group Exhibition- Sacred Implications

Beacon Open Studios Winter Show at The Yard in Beacon, New York

The Salon Show with Greenpoint Gallery in Brooklyn, New York

Visual Memoirs: Portraits, Self-Portraits, and Selfies with Super Secret Projects in Beacon, NY

Visual Memoirs: Portraits, Self-Portraits, and Selfies is a curated group show that invited artists to share work that explores the art of portraiture. These artistic interpretations contribute to a rich narrative that explores the nuances of portrait work. Join us in celebrating the diverse tapestry of human experiences!

This exhibition was curated through an Open Call by Diana Vidal, co-director of Super Secret Projects and Darya Golubina, a founding member of our collective. Diana Vidal is a Dominican, multimedia artist whose work delves into the realms of time, memory, and shared experiences. Darya Golubina graduated from the School of Visual Arts, and while her preferred medium is oil paint or graphite, she splits her time between her painting studio and the photography studio she heads in NYC. Darya is the director of the Beacon Open Studios Organization.


Art Bloc (A group exhibition of Staten Island Artists)

Ecologies #3- The Third Triennial of Staten Island Photography at Alice Austen House

Looking through the lens of Staten Island residents and outsiders documenting the borough, this year’s theme examines ecologies, the study of the relationships between living things and their changing environments, in Staten Island. Exploring this idea in work through traditional, digital, and innovative uses of the medium; this juried exhibition examines contemporary themes and narratives that begin to reveal our evolving responses to the rapidly changing social and natural environment in this complex borough.

An expert panel of judges including Megan Beck, curator at the Noble Maritime Museum; Justine Kurland, artist and photography professor; and Jessica Dimson, Deputy Photo Editor, The New York Times Magazine, reviewed and selected entries for inclusion in the exhibition curated by Paul Moakley, Curator and Caretaker, and Victoria Munro, Executive Director.

To see the exhibition catalogue, please visit

The Affordable Art Show of Jersey City


Photoville- Island Lens (A group exhibition of eight Staten Island-based photographers curated by Victoria Munro at the Alice Austen House)

Art Bloc (A group exhibition of Staten Island Artists)


Know Me, Staten Island Arts 

Know Me is the exploration of identity through the eyes of eight Staten Island artists. The exhibit challenges the viewer to consider the inner world of another, and the minute-by-minute decisions that, together as an evolving whole, create the story of one’s life. If you could do anything in your home or your neighborhood this Saturday, what would it be? What is the first thing you think of upon waking? Does it inspire you or bring you fear? Where do you go, in your head or your actions, to experience your greatest joy, expression, passion, or solace? What is the most important thing about you that most people don’t see? How do the way you walk, talk, dress, and adorn your body help define who you are? How does your past self collide with or complement your present self? What beliefs do you hold that inform almost every choice you make?

Each piece in Know Me urges the viewer to consider the selfhood of both the subjects in the piece as well as the artist choosing to create it. The phrase “know me” might be a request, a demand, or a question. While Staten Island is rich with diverse stories and creative energy, many worlds never overlap. A face may look familiar, but nothing more is known. How might our spheres grow closer? How might we collaborate if our shared passions were known?

Know me? Know me.

To see the selected pieces, please visit the Know Me exhibition photographs

To see an article from the Staten Island Advance, please visit


Virtual Gallery, Greenpoint Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Portraiture: Photography Now, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR


Student Exhibition, Korn Gallery, Drew University, NJ

Ecologies #3 Marketing Materials
A photograph from Super Secret Projects 2024 Exhibition

an installation view from Photoville- June of 2022

Ecologies #3 with Alice Austen House- March of 2023

an artist discussion from Photoville- June of 2022

an installation image from Art Bloc- March 2023 [what empowers you?]

an installation image from Art Bloc- June of 2022